Contact Us
If you have any questions please get in touch:
George Young
St. Andrews Pottery
South Flisk, Blebo Craigs
Cupar, Fife
United Kingdom
KY15 5UQ
Get directions on Google Maps
Tel: +44 (0)1334 850 859
Mobile: +44 (0)7759 522 286
How to find us
We're in Blebo Craigs, Fife - just 5 miles from St Andrews.
If you would like to have your website featured here please get in touch<.
Fairway Bed & Breakfast
This warm and welcoming home is situated in the small village of Blebo Craigs. The village is conveniently located midway between St Andrews and Cupar, being approximately 5 miles from each and is the ideal base for touring or golfing in Fife.
Scottish Potters Association
The SPA aims to promote any activity which in the opinion of the members will further their collective and individual interests as potters/ceramists and to raise the standards and awareness of the craft when possible.
Edinbane Pottery
Our high quality, hand-made ceramics are both modern and functional. The pots are much sought after by the Isle of Skye’s visitors and islanders alike, who recognise the distinctive features and inspiration behind the work.